December 7, 2013

David – Psalm 51:5-7 (2)

Passage: Psalm 51

Bible Text: Psalm 51 | Preacher: Ashley T. Lee | Series: David Psalm 51

This teaching deals with the original sin we inherited from Adam and Eve.  It gives the solution to our sin problem in the gospel message – the good news of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice – death, burial and resurrection from the dead.

Genesis 3:24, Galatians 2:36, Luke 18,  John 19:30, 2:26, 24:6, 15:26, 27:27, Ephesians 1, 3:26, Psalm 109, 44:22, 1Thessalonians 4, 5, Leviticus 11:45, Romans 7, Hebrews 6, 1Peter 3